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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Charlotte Mason, A Liberal Educator

     Does anyone know what the definition of “liberal” is?   Liberal is defined as “something that is not restricted.”  An example of liberal is; an education covering a wide range of subjects.  “Liberal Education” is like justice, religion, liberty, and fresh air…the natural birthright of every child, and all of us, right?!   :+)

     So doesn’t that sound like something that you’d love to offer your kids, but were never certain how to go about it, or even how to put it into words?  Let me introduce you to a special young woman named Charlotte Mason.  Charlotte Mason had a vision of how children really learn, that did not incorporate books and workbooks.  She saw children in a whole new light, though she never married or had any of her own.  As a matter of fact, she was born in England in 1842 (and lived until the age of 81 in 1923), and was essentially taught by her own parents.  However, she was orphaned at the age of 16.  It was then that she realized that more than anything, she wanted her life to be surrounded by teaching other children.  So, she set out determined to make that her goal.

     Charlotte had a different theory than most of her counter components…she believed that children are people too, just in a smaller version size.  They did not, nor do not, need to be taught as though they are dumbed down versions of adults.  In fact, personally, I believe that there are many children that happen to be a lot smarter than some adults I know.  I am not trying to be rude here, it is simply a fact.

     So, Charlotte set out to begin teaching the God given way that she envisioned in her mind.  She used the special gifts God had given her and blossomed daily with idea after idea, as God gave them to her.  Out of this came to 7, (or as I see them as 8),­­­­­ basic theories that she thoroughly believed in.  I will share them here with you.  I just know you’re curiosity is getting the better of you!  :+)

 *Children are born persons.

 *They are not born either good or bad, but with possibilities for good and evil.

 *The principles of authority on the one hand, and obedience on the other, are natural, necessary and fundamental.

 *These principles are limited by the respect due to the personality of the child, which must not be interfered with, whether by fear or love, suggestion or influence, or appropriate play on any one natural desire.

 *“Education is an Atmosphere.”  This is not to say that a child should ever be isolated from what we might call a child environment, persay, but we should take in to account the educational value of his natural home atmosphere (providing it is filled with a genuine love of God and family, correct discipline, praise, healthy living, etc.) .  Let him live freely in the right conditions.

 *“Education is a Discipline.”  This is meant that the discipline of habits, whether habits formed unmistakably and thoughtfully, or whether of habits of his mind or body, adapts a child’s brain structure to his thought process.

 *“Education is a Life.”  The need of intellectual and moral, as well as physical subsistence is something understood.

                      *Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline and a Life

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